Since 2000 we've helped buyers and sellers trade used machinery through our online marketplace. We work in 9 different languages and have a team of agents here to assist you throughout the entire sale process.
Exapro is a B2B marketplace dedicated to its customers and partners. We pay great attention to our worldwide clients in order to answer their specific questions and help them complete a purchase or sale across continents. We treat all inquiries with full transparency, technical competence, and responsibility, as we believe this is the key to successful deals. We can do this because our multi-lingual agents are passionate about international trade. So inquire now to talk to an agent who speaks your language or understands your market.
This is why we stand out - why global businesses, professional end users and small companies alike choose us. We're standing by ready to talk to you and communicate with our customers on a daily basis. We're real people, not just a website.
We provide a global network of international clients and local markets, where we promote used machinery.
Any company, plant or professional reseller wanting to sell some of their plant equipment should register and offer their machines on the Exapro marketplace.
For more details visit our page how Exapro works.
For more than ten years, Exapro has been expanding, adding new markets and new languages, with still more planned in the upcoming years.
Exapro teams up with Kitmondo and Virtuoso Data to launch Valorexo, the worlds first fully automated digital valuation tool for Industrial Equipment. Valorexo uses millions of price data points to generate valuation reports for the used machinery market.
Exapro buys over the marketplace Kitmondo to cover more industrial sectors and serve the Northern American markets better. It thus reinforces its promotion services for auctioneers, serving qualified traffic to over 400 auctions a year.
Exapro launches its new website, offering more and improved tools to buyers and sellers
Turkish and Russian are added to the website
Exapro opens two new subsidiaries in the USA and Costa Rica to cover the American markets, Polish is added to the website
Czech, German, Italian, and Spanish are added to the website
The operations are located in Prague to carry out the company's European development
Company founded in Saumur, France, the website is available in English and French
Every company has a higher purpose that drives its vision and rallies its stakeholders. Without a purpose and values, a project has little chance of growing towards some ultimate goal: a dream that would create a better World in the niche in which it serves.
Inspired by Simon Sinek’s work with the “golden circle”, Exapro has clearly formulated its “WHY” that has been driving it forward since its creation in 2000.
Today, 22 people help buyers and sellers of used machinery connect worldwide. Each member of the Team is in charge of a specific industrial sector and geographical area.
Each week, our agents take care of hundreds of inquiries, select the most serious ones and propose them to the sellers.
Area Manager - Turkey
HR/Office manager
Sales Supervisor
Campaign Manager
Area Manager - Poland
ExaSaas Assistant
ExaSaas Assistant
Sales Assistant - France
Area Manager - Germany
Area Manager - France
HR assistant
Area Manager - France
Head of Digital
Area Manager - Italy
Campaign Manager
Having years of experience on a global market, we managed to keep our young spirit. We’re constantly looking for pro-active and motivated people who enjoy working in a friendly international environment.
Currently opened positions
V.I.E. 12mo+- German Business Development
Internship 6 months in 2021 - Quality
Internship 6 months in 2021 - German speaking position